Attractive In Arabic

What lasts a lifetime and is something you don’t want to regret giving? Naturally, it’s a baby’s name. Naming a bundle of joy can be an exciting but overwhelming job. In Islam, it is said that having the task of naming your new-born is a divine gift, and one is encouraged to give names that have good or noble meanings or associations.
In the sea of delightful Arabic names, these are a few that you won’t wish to go back in time and change.
Beautiful Arabic Baby Girl Names
1. Aaliyah

Happiness and prominence come with this beautiful name.

2. Anisah
It means close, intimate, or one who is a good friend.

3. Asma
Meaning 'supreme', this name will give its bearer confidence even before she's born.

Attractive In Arabic
  1. Context sentences for 'attractive' in Arabic. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. is not responsible for their content. English the site is an attractive proposition for developers. Openinnew Link to source.
  2. Arabic words for beautiful include جميل, حسن, حسناء, ذات جمال, مليح, الشئ الجميل and وسيم. Find more Arabic words at!
  3. Nov 25, 2020 - Explore Nazar Dhiab's board 'Arabic Calligraphy', followed by 637 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about arabic calligraphy, calligraphy art, islamic calligraphy.

Life is beautiful, but it's more beautiful when you're beautiful. الحياة جميلة، لكنها أكثر جمالاًحين تكون جميلاً. Do not look, life is beautiful, wonderful. لا تتجهم هكذا الحياة جميلة، مدهشة. Then simply type your name below and our free tool will translate it and write in Arabic alphabet, and in the Arab or Islamic calligraphy style of your choice. Note: please note that it is a transcription into Arabic alphabet of the names phonetics.

4. Ayah or Aya
This stunning name holds many meanings; a 'miracle', 'amazing' or a Qur'an verse.

5. Bariah
'Talented' and 'gifted' qualities come with this name.

6. Cantarah
This name means 'little bridge', and is a huge favorite because of its interesting pronunciation.

7. Durdana
Baby name Durdana, stands for a single pearl.

8. Emani
This name means 'my faith' in Arabic, and rolls just beautifully when pronounced.

9. Hadiyah
This names will have your child right on the 'path of righteousness'.

10. Inaya
Inaya is an unusual and exotic name, meaning 'concerned'.

11. Kalila
Arabic for 'beloved', the name Kalila is absolutely cute!

12. Khalidah
Your little joy will have 'immortality' and 'everlasting' charm.

13. Leilah
Hailing from the Arabic Leila that means 'dark beauty', Leilah is mysterious and alluring.

14. Malika
Your baby girl will be a crowned as a 'queen' while carrying this name.

15. Meissa or Maitha
Meaning 'the shining one', this Arabic name is truly one of the special ones. Many royals have named their children after this name.

16. Nahlah
The name translates to something refreshing and life-saving, a 'first drink of water in the desert'.

17. Nura
A variant of the Arabic Noor, the name Nura is 'full of light'.

18. Omeera
A soft, yet bubbly name for a baby who possess an optimistic attitude.

19. Qadirah
Meaning 'capable', and the name holds some sort of esteemed honor as it is the female form of Qadir, one of the 99 attributes of Allah.

20. Sama
Sama means 'sky' in Arabic, and the sky's the limit for your baby girl if she holds this name.

21. Taliha
A bright and brilliant name, expressing “one who seeks knowledge”.

22. Thanah
A majestic name, that although traces back to Greek goddess Thanatos, it means 'sage' in Arabic.

23. Sumayah
Your baby is your pride and joy. Sumayah means 'pride' in Arabic.

24. Xara
Pronounced, ZAAR-aa, this exotic name means 'shining' or 'radiating'.

25. Zahra
Can you guess what this one means? It is a 'flower'.
Beautiful Arabic Baby Boy Names
1. Amare

In Arabic, Amare is a variant of the name Amar, which means 'one who builds'.

2. Bader
Meaning 'full moon', your baby boy will project brightness like that of the moon.

3. Cairo
Cairo is a valiant, strong name. It means 'one who is victorious'.

4. Dafi
With the warmest soul - who else than your sweet little baby?

5. Essam
Your promise of an eternal bond with the tiny bearer of this name.

6. Faisal
A popular name which means 'judge or arbiter'.

7. Hakeem
This name hold two powerful meanings, 'wise' and 'healer'.

8. Haroun
Your little boy will be holding the powerful spirit of a warrior lion.

9. Huzayl
Bin Shurah Bil had this dreamy name.

10. Jameel
Translating to 'stunning' in Arabic, inside and out.

11. Kareem
A distinguished, noble, and generous person is given this name.

12. Lu’ay or Luay
A truly masculine Arabic given name as it stands for 'shield or protector'.

13. Mika
A name that symbolizes all you want your little one to be - cool, sweet, and intelligent.

14. Musa or Moussa
This name traces back to an important prophet.

15. Na'il
Kicktstart your baby's successful genes with this name that translates to 'hard-worker' or 'breadwinner'.

16. Omari
Your baby will surely prosper with this name as it means 'flourish'.

17. Qusay
Although it means 'distant', the name has such a beautiful ring to it.

18. Rafiq
A great friend and confidante, your little boy will be.

19. Raouf
Your baby boy will have the itmost 'compassion' in his heart.

20. Rohail
A name full of integrity, for a noble baby boy.

21. Salem
Salem is derived from the Arabic name Salim, which means “safe”.

22. Sultan
Meaning to 'rule', who doesn't want their baby boy to be a king?

23. Yusuf
This name has meanings in both the Qur'an and the Bible. Yusuf was one of God's prophets, and it also means that 'God never fails to give'.

24. Zayan
Zayan means bright - a bright name for a bright tot!

25. Zayd
This popular name indicates growth, abundance, and one who makes progress.

Beautiful Arabic Phrases That Don't Make Sense in English

By Ivey Noojin/Arab America Contributing Writer

Attractive offer in arabic

Translating from Arabic to English has become more popular due to the United States’s increased interest in the Arab World. As Arabs migrate to the West, they bring not only their culture and religion with them but also their language.

Many Arab Americans know the struggle of trying to express themselves in English and getting confused looks because their direct translations of Arabic phrases don’t make sense in the other language. Or there is a certain expression that can describe exactly what they are feeling, but it is only in Arabic.

Overall, as the Arab American communities grow, there will be more discussions about translation and its resulting difficulties.

Translation is actually a bigger issue than most people think. If you speak Arabic and English, then you know that the syntax is completely different. So how do you take one sentence that makes sense in Arabic and convert it to a similar sentence that expresses the same idea in English?

There are several options in the translating world. Some decide to translate the sentence word for word, while others translate by sentiment instead. The true translations often do not make sense in the second language and are usually meant for people who know how to speak both idioms. The approximate translations are easily understood in the second language, but they take away the writing of the original author and incorporate more of the writing of the translator instead.

There are multiple examples of Arabic phrases that do not make sense when directly translated. Here are some examples:

Toz ‘Aleik/i

In Arabic, this generally means empty air or apathy. However, in English, it means “poo on you.”

Tobyyedd Wijj

Arabic speakers use this phrase with someone who made them proud. However, the direct translation into English is “whitening one’s face.”

Bayyid Wijjeh

This also means “whitening one’s face” in English, but Arabic uses it to depict someone who is kissing up to someone of authority.


This is a phrase that specifically the Lebanese use to describe someone, generally a loved one, who you cannot live without. In English, this translates to “you bury me.”


‘Ala Rasi

Arabic speakers say this in response to a favor, generally meaning that they would do anything for that person. However, in English, this means “on my head.”

Kul Sana Wa Inta Salem

This is a very common phrase in Arabic for birthday and Christian and Muslim holiday wishes. In English, the direct translation of this is “with each year, you are peaceful.”

There are other examples in a previous article done by Arab America, which you can read here, called “8 Arabic Phrases You Wish Translated Well, But Don’t.”

Some of the most prominent examples of phrases that cannot be directly translated into English involve Allah. Arabic incorporates religious phrases and words into their daily usage, even if they do not mean it in a religious way.

Nowadays, people generally know that these words and phrases don’t necessarily have a religious connotation to them. Many Arabic speakers use them because they have become engrained in the Arab and Arab American cultures. Also, Muslims, including the ones who do not speak Arabic, sprinkle these examples in their conversations to represent their faith.

Non-religious Arabic Words

Here is a list of everyday Arabic words that have Allah in them but are not used in a religious sense:



In English, this means “let’s go.” Yallah is one of the most common words in the Arabic language. Arabic speakers use it everywhere, from making people go somewhere with you to yelling at the car in front of you to speed up.


Mashallah means “good job” in English. It is a genuine compliment in Arabic, one not riddled in jealousy.


Like Yalla, Inshallah is probably one of the most common words in the Arabic language. Its direct translation to English is “God willing” but has other functions, such as yes, maybe, or not sure. Arabic speakers often use this phrase to get out of committing to something in that moment.


More Attractive In Arabic

Wallah is basically saying “I swear” in English. Generally, Arabic speakers use this word when they are talking about something unbelievable to emphasize that they are telling the truth.

Religious Arabic Phrases

There are also several Arabic phrases with the word Allah within them that have a more religious connotation.

Here is a list of phrases that have to do with wishes for success. You need add an “i” to address a female and “u” to address group of people:

Attraction In Arabic

  • Allah yiwafkak: May God help you succeed
  • Allah yijaezeek: May God reward you
  • Allah yitaamak: May God give you, soothing your desire
  • Allah yikabber min queemtak: May God promote you to be of greater value
  • Allah yifrig(ha) laik(i): May God be open to providing you with better things

Here is a list of religious sayings for protection and wellbeing of a person:

  • Allah ateek: May God give you health or wealth
  • Allah yikoun ma-ak : May God be with you
  • Allah yihmeek: May God protect you
  • Allah yin-aam alaik: May God grace you
  • Allah yihfazak: May God take care of you
  • Allah yisalmak: May God keep you safe
  • Allah yirda alaik: May God be happy with you

Even though direct translation between Arabic and English is hard, there is beauty in trying, especially within Arab American communities. There is no need to be a reconciliation between the two languages. Fortunately, we live in a world where knowing both languages is encouraged and blessed.

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